Ruhumutally v State 23/1/24 & 24/1/24 PRIVY COUNCIL website hearing

It was a very interesting case in Supreme Court where our Partner, James P Ramdhun was the main Lawyer / barrister. The case was in 3 sessions. Click on the links shown below to watch the hearings:


Other successful cases:

The list below relates to a few of the cases that the Partner, James P Ramdhun, Advocate, Barrister dealt with successfully:

  1. Mantoor Ramdhanie and Others v The State of Trinidad and Tobago P.C Appeal No. 47 of 2004 (Case heard on December 2005 Appeal No.) –
  2. Mitra Harracksingh v The State of Trinidad and Tobago Appeal No. 3 2004 –
  3. Gunnersingh Ashok Kailaysur v The State of Mauritius P.C Appeal No. 23 2004 –